Saturday, 18 May 2019

Two Lamps of Love and Light


Two radiant lamps in the shadowed night,

Jesus, the Savior, and Buddha, the Light.

One speaks of grace from a Heaven above,

The other of wisdom, compassion, and love.

Both hear the cries of a world in pain,

Sin and suffering, humanity's chain.

One calls to God, the Ground of our being,

The other to self, where truth lies freeing.

Sin as a mark we so often miss,

Estranged from our Maker, we long for bliss.

Suffering, the wheel that turns askew,

The tire of life, worn but true.

Jesus weeps and calls, "Believe in me,"

Buddha whispers, "Look, and you shall see."

One lifts the stone, bids death unbind,

The other asks, "What peace can you find?"

In their words, imperfection gleams,

A shared refrain in ancient dreams.

Not perfect, but better, each step we take,

A softer heart with less to break.

Do you seek salvation, eternal grace?

Or awakening’s truth, a tranquil space?

Perhaps both paths converge in one,

Two ways to light where life begun.

So let us bow to these sages of old,

Their lessons timeless, their wisdom bold.

Through the Christ and the Buddha, we find our way,

Two lamps of love to guide our day.

Poetic Reflections of a Crazy Soul

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