Sunday, 20 March 2022

Beyond Happiness

Happiness, a fleeting gleam,

A ripple on life’s tranquil stream.

A joy that’s born of earthly bliss,

A moment’s peace, a sweet caress.

It dances lightly, carefree and bright,

A fleeting spark, a dazzling light.

A sudden pleasure, a joyful sound,

A happiness found, on fertile ground.

But joy, a deeper, soulful art,

A flame that burns within the heart.

A steady glow, a peaceful light,

That shines through darkness, day and night.

No need for treasure, or worldly gain,

For joy is found, easing every pain.

A quiet current, a steady flow,

A solace found, a sacred glow.

While happiness may come and go,

True joy endures, a steadfast glow.

It’s found in grace, in love, in hope,

A treasure trove, a precious scope.

So let us seek this joy profound,

A solace found, a holy ground.

A gift divine, a sacred art,

A peace that mends a broken heart. 

Poetic Reflections of a Crazy Soul

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