Wednesday, 8 March 2023

The Unsung Heroes of Human Existence

In her heart lies a boundless sea,

Of strength, of love, of dignity.

Her hands build worlds, her dreams take flight,

A beacon of grace, a guiding light.

She walks where no paths dared to unfold,

Scaling Everest’s peaks, both fierce and cold.

She reaches the stars, defying space,

Ruling nations with wisdom and grace.

She nurtures life with tender care,

A mother’s touch, beyond compare.

Her arms a refuge, her voice a balm,

Through storms of chaos, she is calm.

A daughter's love, a sister's care,

A lover’s warmth, a wife’s solace.

She’s the root, the stem, the blooming flower,

The force of life, its gentle power.

shifts and shapes, a wondrous sight,

In happiness, smile like Mona Lisa,

In sorrow, like Mary of Dolours, a well of tears

In fury, like Durga, who quells all fears.

Yet often in shadows her greatness hides,

Undervalued, overlooked, denied.

It’s time the world sees her boundless worth,

The hands that cradle and shape the earth.

So let us honor, let us sing,

The praises of this wondrous being.

For in her heart, the universe resides,

The greatness of a woman, unquantified.

Poetic Reflections of a Crazy Soul

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