Saturday, 1 July 2023

True Guardians of Life

Tired and weak, forgotten and alone,

They come with hope, a gentle tone.

Doctors and nurses, brave and true,

Answering the call, the urgent hue.

Between sickness and health's bright light,

They stand unyielding, steadfast and right.

Guardians of life, flesh and bone,

Against the illness, they stand alone.

Through dreadful plagues and sickness deep,

They walk the path, where shadows creep.

Masked and gloved, they carry on,

Until the battle's finally won.

Sleepless nights and endless days,

They battle through the darkest haze.

With every breath, with every beat,

They face the grim reaper's cold defeat.

Yet still they soothe, they mend, they fight,

To bring the dawn, to claim the light.

With gentle touch and healing words,

They calm the storms, the angry herds.

For those who suffer, filled with fear,

Their courage brings hope drawing near.

To bridge the gap of pain and peace,

They strive until the suffering ceases.

Unseen, unsung, through silent strife,

They march beneath the stars of life.

Protecting lives, defying fate,

Our thanks can never compensate.

For every life they bring to light,

For every soul they save from night,

We honor them with hearts laid bare,

With gratitude and endless prayer.

In times of need, they risk and give,

Our angels here, so we may live.

Poetic Reflections of a Crazy Soul

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